Thursday, April 27, 2017

Back to Work - Eclipse Neon.3, WinAVR and Windows 10

Well, long time no see!
After a few changes in my personal life, I haven't got much time to write here. Now that everything is settling, I'm coming back to our beloved FreeRTOS!
So the first thing I needed to do was to set up my computer with all the applications and tools to make this work again.

So, I followed one of the first posts I wrote (this one), I downloaded the necessary tools and installed all. One main difference by now: Eclipse is currently in Neon.3 release, but it had so far no differences from the one I started with (Mars).

One thing should be noted, though. I wrote all the last posts either using Linux (Ubuntu) or Windows 7 (don't judge me, I liked it) and now my laptop has a Windows 10 (and Ubuntu on a Virtual Machine). When compiling any projects win WinAVR, I got this weird error:
make: *** [src/blink.o] Error -1073741502
It seems this is a Windows related problem, since the last version of WinAVR was developed in 2010. There are at least two solutions around the interwebs. One of them is to migrate to Atmel AVR Toolchain (Atmel takes care of the avr-gcc compiler now and WinAVR is no longer updated). The other solution is to download and "install" a new msys-1.0.dll. The later seemed like a better (quicker) solution to me, so you just need to download it (here for the 64 bits OS from this website) and replace the one in your WinAVR folder, especifically in
After that, the build command works like a charm, as it was supposed be.

One more tip, when importing the projects from Github, you'll probably need to create a new "Programmer configuration" for AVRDude. Open any project properties and navigate to AVR -> AVRDude. Tab Programmer, click in New, on Programmer Configuration block, follow the advices on the original post (this one): Atmel STK500 Version 2.x Firmware, choose the right COM Port and baudrate (115200bps).

New setup, now with RGB Leds:

See you soon.

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