Monday, August 1, 2016

ArduinoMEGA on Eclipse without Arduino SDK

More than being quite limited, the Arduino IDE comes with its own SDK, which means we can't have our own main() function. I chose Eclipse because it's free and easy to use and there are a few tutorials around on how to use an Arduino board with Eclipse IDE. So, I read lots of them and came up with my own step by step:

  1. On Windows:
    1. Download and install Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers (today, the latest is Mars 2)
    2. Download and install WinAVR (today, the latest is 20100110)
    3. Open Eclipse, go to Help > Install New Software.... Add the following to the "Work with" section: and install the plugin.
    4. Done!
  2. On Linux (Ubuntu in my case):
    1. Install Eclipse
      1. sudo apt-get install eclipse
    2. Install AVR compiler
      1. sudo apt-get install avrdude binutils-avr gcc-avr avr-libc gdb-avr
    3. Open Eclipse, go to Help > Install New Software.... Add the following to the "Work with" section: and install the plugin.
    4. Add your user to the dialout group, then logout and login again (this is in order to your user have permission to access the serial port).
      1. sudo usermod -a -G dialout <username>
    5. Done!

Wait, what? This is it? Yep! Unless you didn't install WinAVR on its default location (C:/WinAVR-20100110). In that case, you'll need to adjust the paths in the AVR Eclipse plugin (on Eclipse, go to Window > Preference > AVR > Paths):
  • AVR-GCC: <WinAVR path>\bin
  • GNU make: <WinAVR path>\utils\bin
  • AVR Header Files: <WinAVR path>\avr\include
  • AVRDude: <WinAVR path>\bin

Yes, this screen is from Ubuntu.

Now let's create a first project just to check whether it works. Can you guess? A Blink project! This time, we won't use any of the easy Arduino stuff. Instead, let's open the microcontroller datasheet and start configuring the registers. In Eclipse, go to File > New > C++ Project (in Linux, you'll go to File > New > Project and choose C++ Project under C/C++ Folder).
  1. Choose the Empty Project under the folder "AVR Cross Target Application"

  2. Pick a name (Blink) and a location
  3. Click Next
  4. Click Next again
  5. Choose the MCU (ATmega2560) and Frequency (16000000 - that's 16 followed by 6 zeroes, 16MHz)
  6. Click Finish
  7. Go to the project properties (click with the left button on the project and go to Properties)
  8. Under AVR > Target Hardware you can check if the MCU and frequency were correctly chosen

  9. Under AVR > AVRDude, in the box Programmer Configuration, click New....
  10. Choose the bootloader version (Atmel STK500 Version 2.x firmware), choose a name for the configuration, choose the correct COM port in "Override default port" (use the Device Manager in Windows -i.e. COM18 -, or, in Linux, the command line "dmesg | grep tty" and remember to put "/dev/" before the port name - i.e. /dev/ttyUSB0), and override default baudrate with 115200  and click OK.
  11. Still on the Project Properties, go to C/C++ Build > Settings. On the tab Tool Settings:
    1. Additional Tools in Toolchain, check "Generate HEX file for Flash memory"
    2. AVR Compiler > Optimization, Optimization Levels: Size Optimization (-Os), uncheck Pack Structs and Short Enums
    3. AVR Compiler > Language Standard, uncheck "char is unsigned" and "bitfields are unsigned"
    4. Do the same to AVR C++ Compiler
  12. Now for the source code files, click with the left button on the project folder (in Project Explorer) and go to New > Folder, choose the project and the name ("src") and click Finish. Again in the Project Explorer, left click on new folder and New > Source File, choose the name ("blink.cpp") and Finish.
  13. Copy the following source code to your file.
    1. #include <avr/io.h>
    2. #include <avr/interrupt.h>
    4. int main(void)
    5. {
    6. //Setup the clock (timer 1, 62.5kHz (16MHz / 256 = 62.5kHz), CTC mode, interrupt on)
    7. cli(); //Disable global interrupts
    8. TCCR1A = 0b00000000; //no physical outputs (COM1Ax, COM1Bx and COM1Cx == 0b00), WGM10 and WGM11 = 0.
    9. TCCR1B = 0b00001000; //input capture off, WGM13 = 0, WGM12 = 1, prescaler 1/256 (CS1x = 0b100 - off by now, thus 0b000)
    10. TCCR1C = 0b00000000; //writing a 1 to any of the 3 most significative bits forces a compare match
    11. TCNT1 = 0x0000; //resets the timer counter
    12. OCR1A = 62499; //Count 62500 cycles for 1 second interrupt
    13. OCR1B = 0x0000; //output compare register B is not used
    14. OCR1C = 0x0000; //output compare register C is not used
    15. ICR1 = 0x0000; //input capture not used
    16. TIMSK1 = 0b00000010; //input capture interrupt off, output compare B and C interrupts off, output compare A interrupt on, overflow interrupt off
    17. TIFR1 = 0x00; //resets the interrupt flags
    18. TCCR1B |= 0b00000100; //turn on the timer (CS1x = 0b100)
    19. sei(); //Enable global interrupts
    21. //Setup the I/O for the LED (digital pin 13, or PB7, according to the Arduino pin mapping)
    22. DDRB = 0b10000000; //PB7 is digital pin 13 (LED), configured as an output
    23. PORTB |= 0b10000000; //Set PB7 high to turn on LED
    25. while(1) { } //Loop forever, interrupts do the rest
    26. }
    28. ISR(TIMER1_COMPA_vect) //Interrupt Service Routine - flag is cleared automatically
    29. {
    30. PORTB ^= (1<<PB7); //Use xor to toggle the LED
    31. }
  14. Build it (Ctrl+B)
    1. Edit: If you're using Windows 10 (or other versions) and encountered this error: make: *** [src/blink.o] Error -1073741502, follow the steps on this post.
  15. To transfer to the board, there's a little catch (in Windows): seems like Arduino IDE uses a modified version of AVRDude that resets the board before attempting to upload the HEX file (this is needed in order to the Arduino enter the bootloader). So, if you get this timeout message, just hold the reset button on your board and release when you click the Upload button (that's the AVR button with an arrow pointing downwards, or CTRL+ALT+U).
    avrdude: stk500_2_Receive_Message(): timeout
  16. Now modify the OCR1A to 6249, compile and upload again: The timer will run 10 times faster, thus the LED must blink faster, if it doesn't, well...find out what's wrong and tell me in the comments box :)

Right now you should have a working hardware, with a working IDE and burner (close enough).
The project is available on GitHub.

On the next post, let's talk business and start porting the FreeRTOS.

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