Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Hello World? no, Blink project!

I once said that the Hello World of the embedded systems world is the Blink project.

Although it seems very simple, making a LED blink may be quite complicated. For it to work properly, you must ensure the uC is powered and receiving some kind clock (even if it is its internal clock source, as in Arduino Mega), all the internal registers are properly configured (which Arduino IDE makes transparent), the LED is correctly connected (Arduino boards usually have at least one integrated) and the timing is correct (i.e. you can see the LED blinks). When using a custom made board, the Blink project must be your first!

Ok, but what about the all set and ready to use Arduino board with a RTOS? Why not using the Blink project as well? Be patient, we'll get there. By now, get your LED blinking on your Arduino board without any OS, just the plain and simple example that comes with the IDE (on 1.6.7: File -> Examples -> 01.Basics -> Blink).

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