Wednesday, November 11, 2015


Well...welcome to this blog!

About me? I'm a Brazilian (actually Gaúcho) Computer Engineer who develops bare metal applications (from the idea to production) using simple microcontrollers, with a very low budget, but a huge license to use my creativity. I'm used to draw both schematics and layouts (Altium for professional purposes, KiCad for fun) for the projects, as well as write the whole software (mainly in C, but why not Assembly, C++, C#, ...).

Here, I intend to describe all the process of learning new stuff both in hardware and software areas. The objective is to help other who think about learning the same things I am, by going through all the steps I needed to follow.

Although knowing that the pros don't like Arduino very much, I believe they are here to stay and they are great quick tools for learning new stuff and testing new techniques and ideas before applying on the final project. For hobby purposes, those neat boards are the perfect tools! So, be prepared to see them around.

As a first project, I'm willing to learn a little more about RTOS and for that I'll try to use one (probably FreeRTOS) on a Arduino Mega 2560 (or some Chinese copy of it). Wish me luck!

Last but not least, I'm not a native English speaker, so I'll probably make a few mistakes or sound funny from time to time, so you're advised!

See you soon!